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"A Change is Gonna Come": An Examination of the Sixties' Protests and the Music That They Produced

Ella Reidway


“Ohio” by CSNY, “A Change is Gonna Come” by Sam Cooke, and ”Fortunate Son” by Creedence Clearwater Revival are all famous sixties rock and roll songs, but their message and significance was much more than a catchy tune. The 1960s were a time of change for the better.  Untouched topics were protested, like the idea of war, civil rights, and women's rights. A wave of young people sporting long hair and bellbottoms overcame the Greatest Generation’s crew cuts and tailored pants. Protests swept the nation in the sixties and set the stage for how to speak up against the government and other big corporations no matter your age, race, and gender, and timeless songs provided a soundtrack. 

5 Questions

1. What was the anti-war movement?

2. How did the counter-culture movement impact society?

3. What were the top 5 protest songs and what were their meaning? 

4. How did the 60s protests affect young people and how were they involved in the protests/war?

5. What themes and musical techniques were used in protest songs?

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